Scouts Parent Night

Recently, about 200 people gathered in the school Dining Hall to celebrate the 98th year of Scouting at RBAI.

Highlights included Chairperson Matthew Jamison’s review of the year and ICT Co-ordinator Jay Jayaprakash’s superb video montage about the Essex International Jamboree Summer Camp. It was enjoyable to hear from Secretary Oliver Mercer describing the arduous challenge of the Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Qualifying Expedition in The Lake District as well the Beavers and Cubs telling us about their fun weekly activities and trips last year.

We got to see the boys receive their awards and badges including the first Chief Scout’s Bronze Awards to 5 of our Beavers and Chief Scout’s Gold Awards to 5 of our Scouts as well. Inchmarlo Deputy Headteacher Miss Selby, Lagan District Lead Norman McKee, Northern Ireland Scout Lead Trevor Hendren and South Region Lead Scott Robinson attended to present sectional awards while Inchmarlo Headteacher Mrs Morwood presented the Group trophies to round off a very successful evening.