RBAI is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education and information, advice and guidance for all pupils throughout their time at RBAI.


KS3, KS4, KS5
Head of Department
Mr D O'Neill
Members of Dept
Mr C Leathley, Mr G Russell, Mr S Gamble, Mr S McMullan, Mrs M Matchett


Why have a careers programme at RBAI?

A young person’s career is the progress they make in learning and work. All young people need a planned programme of activities to help them choose 14-19 pathways that are right for them and to be able to manage their careers and sustain employability throughout their lives. Schools have a statutory duty to provide careers education in Years 8-12 through the Northern Ireland Curriculum (LLW), the Entitlement Framework (14-19 only) and to give pupils access to careers information and impartial guidance so that they may become effective career decision makers.

RBAI is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education and information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) for all pupils in Years 8-14 in partnership with DE, Employers and other key stakeholders.

What Careers offers?

Key Stage 3

Years 8 & 9

Right from Year 8 all boys at Inst are delivered an Education for Employability module as part of Learning For Life and Work (LLW). The individual lessons incorporate 4 key dimensions:

  • Work in the Local and Global Economy
  • Career Management
  • Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
  • Skills and Qualities for Work

Year 10

The Careers department begins to play a bigger role at the end of Key Stage 3, when pupils are in Year 10. Before pupils make their vital GCSE choices, they are provided with detailed Careers Information, Advice and Guidance, to enable them to make informed choices. The Year 10 Careers Programme is outlined as follows:

  • 12 week Careers Module, delivered 1 period per week through Employability, designed to prepare the boys for making their GCSE choices
  • Introduction to Careers Programme.
  • Careers Library Tour
  • Year 10 Careers Day
  • End of Key Stage Information Evening (Parents only)
  • Individual Careers Interviews
  • Deadline for pupils making their GCSE Choices.

Key Stage 4

Year 11

In Year 11&12 pupils are again taken through the Education for Employability Programme. In Year 11 the focus is on:

  • Work in the Local and Global Economy
  • Recruitment and Selection (where to look for jobs, applications, interviews). At the end of this section the boys will produce a CV.

In addition, in Year 11 pupils will take part in an ‘Entrepreneurship Master class’ event, run in partnership with ‘Young Enterprise’.

Year 12

In Year 12 pupils have 1 period per week over a 12 week period. This focuses on Career Management (identifying skills & qualities, target setting, personal career planning, post-16 options). At the end of this section the boys will produce an ‘Action Plan’.

Additional careers education, information, advice and guidance in Yr 12:

  • Year 12 Careers DayCareer/ Options Post 16 Presentation
  • A one-to-one interview with a member of the RBAI Careers staff and a DE Careers Adviser (2 indiviual careers interviews).
  • Attendance at the Annual RBAI Careers Convention (March)- with over 80 Career professions and Universities in attendance!
  • The opportunity to attend weekly talks on specific career areas (e.g. Armed Forces, Media, Law, Medicine, Pathology, Engineering, ICT Industry, Accountancy).

Key Stage 5

The majority of sixth form pupils proceed on to Higher Education. In preparation the Careers Department delivers a comprehensive weekly Careers Programme to ensure all pupils have the most up-to-date information, guidance and advice to enable them to choose the correct career pathway most suited for them. In addition a number of guest speakers will be visiting the school to deliver talks on a variety of careers and career-related issues.

Every year the department helps sixth formers prepare for and gain entry to Oxford and Cambridge University. The schools’ Oxbridge Adviser, Mrs M Matchett, advises and supports all RBAI Oxbridge applicants through this rigorous process.

In addition to the weekly careers programme, the Careers Department also provided the following for our 6th form pupils:

Year 13

  • The Annual RBAI Careers Convention (over 80 Universities and Career professions in attendance)
  • Work placement (3 days max) anytime during the first two terms.The opportunity to attend talks on specific career areas (e.g. Media, Law, Medicine, Pathology, Engineering, ICT Industry, Accountancy, FE Colleges)
  • General talks (e.g. GAP year, What Graduates Do, InvestNI, Post 18 Options)
  • Preparation guidance for applying to Universities/Colleges through the UCAS system
  • A one-to-one interview with the Higher Education Adviser/Head of Careers/6th form team
  • A Higher Education Information Evening for parents (February)
  • Commerce Week (June) – a 4-day work experience placement, exclusive to Year 13 pupils at RBAI, giving them insight into career pathways in a range of sectors.

Year 14

  • Completion of UCAS forms (Sep/Oct)
  • Attendance at University Open Days (e.g. QUB, UU)
  • Presentations by staff & guest speakers (e.g. Interview skills, Student Finance, Preparing for Student Life, School Leaver Programmes)

Beyond the Classroom

  • The Annual RBAI Careers Convention (over 80 Universities and Career professions in attendance)
  • Work placement (3 days max) anytime during the first two terms.The opportunity to attend talks on specific career areas (e.g. Media, Law, Medicine, Pathology, Engineering, ICT Industry, Accountancy, FE Colleges)
  • General talks (e.g. GAP year, What Graduates Do, InvestNI, Post 18 Options)