The Royal Belfast Academical Institution
The Royal Belfast Academical Institution
The Royal Belfast Academical Institution
The Royal Belfast Academical Institution
The Royal Belfast Academical Institution
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The Royal Belfast Academical Institution is committed to the wellbeing of each pupil. Wellbeing is the development of the “whole person” – intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially. It is our overarching goal “to achieve continuous improvement through a strategy in which all teachers share high expectations of teaching and learning.” This is informed by rigorous self-evaluation, the pupil voice, effective use of data and supported by sound governance. Pupils are provided with the knowledge, skills and opportunities to develop the dispositions necessary to take their place in society and the economy.

As Principal, I believe we provide an outstanding and inspirational education for boys, with academic aspiration complemented by pastoral support and, through a wealth of co-curricular opportunities, underpinned by a deep commitment to the needs and enthusiasms of each pupil. We are a multi-cultural, integrated Grammar School and we welcome your son’s application.


Ms Janet Williamson MA (OXON), NPQH; C.F.

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To uphold the founding principles of providing boys of academic ability with the opportunity to excel in their learning and to be prepared to take their place in society. The experience at RBAI is to be excellent in and out of the classroom, promoting academic, physical, social and cultural excellence. Excellence refers to the standards of work, effort, uniform and appearance, manners, friendships and attitude of each pupil.


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Respect for self and others.  We recognise and celebrate our diverse school and wider community.  The value embeds a culture of inclusivity, acceptance and mutual support.


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Participation and engagement with the curriculum, as well as co-curricular activities, is fostered through individual learning pathways and an extensive programme of clubs and societies.  It is important for each pupil to develop as an all-rounded individual, developing a sense of belonging and self-worth.


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Our Mission

“To offer exceptional learning and enrichment, which enables every boy to flourish academically, physically and socially, and to make a positive contribution to society.”

Our Commitments

To support all pupils to be confident and engaged learners

  • Teaching and learning to support, guide, enthuse and engage all learners
  • Appropriate opportunities for pupils’ assessment and feedback for improvement.
  • Personal, social, health education to support and instil confidence in learning.  Enhanced self-awareness developed through cross-curricular thinking, problem solving and decision-making skills.
  • Feedback strategies to engage learners and progress attainment, including Marking for Improvement, peer assessment and self-evaluation.
  • Digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning, which are innovative and progressive.
  • Pupils developing the skills to be good decision makers, creative and confident lifelong learners.
  • Appropriate physical environment to support and enthuse learning.

To deliver an innovative academic programme with individual curriculum pathways for progress and attainment

  • Annual curriculum audit to identify the most appropriate range of subject and option choices for progression from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 5.
  • NI Skills Barometer informing best practice.
  • Maintain balance between vocational and traditional subjects, providing breadth and diversity, enabling each pupil to fulfil his potential.
  • Preparing pupils for their future through outstanding careers, university, apprenticeship and alumni advice, guidance and relations.
  • Efficient and effective deployment of resources to sustain curriculum diversity and strengths of provision.

To provide co-curricular breadth and depth

  • To provide outstanding co-curricular opportunities that offer each pupil the opportunity to flourish – academically, physically, emotionally and socially.
  • To recognise and celebrate individual and team achievements, participation and successes.
  • To engage pupils in the curricular life of the school enabling him to feel valued and a contributor to the school and wider community.
  • To develop pupils’ resilience, self-worth, sense of purpose and enjoyment of school life.
  • To retain and develop staff involvement in co-curricular provision.
  • Facilities to support and encourage co-curricular activity.

Pupils and staff well-being

  • All members of the school community to have a sense of purpose to engage with their learning and to enjoy fulfilling relationships.
  • Recognise the importance of the individual within the context of wider relationships.
  • Evidence-based feedback informing decision-making and deployment of resources.
  • Pupils and staff encouraged to be positive, resilient contributors and supportive of the school.
  • Pupils and staff engaged in the well-being programmes and strategies to develop self-worth, self-discipline and confidence.
  • Bursary programme to meet the financial needs of the families of pupils attending RBAI.

To maintain and develop effective communication.

  • Maintain and develop excellent communication and relationships with and between pupils, staff, parents, alumni and school partnerships.
  • Promote and maintain/develop excellent relationships within and beyond the school community.
  • Consistent, regular and coherent messaging and communications.
  • Efficient and effective use of social media and digital technologies.
  • Use of appropriate type of communication: written, verbal, whole school, focused, individualised.

Teaching informed by evidence-based best practices.

  • Outstanding teaching informed by evidence-based pedagogy.
  • The Teaching & Learning Working Party to research and disseminate best practice.
  • Best practice embedded in schemes of learning and PRSD.
  • INSET to prioritise opportunities for dissemination of best practice at departmental and whole school level.
  • RBAI’s teaching to be innovative and creative, supported by high level ICT and resources.
  • Opportunities made available for staff professional development with funding prioritised to meet school needs.